
The first day!

Day one was interesting...

SCAD is housed in over 70 buildings all over Savannah. On Monday morning we had to go to HR, which is in a building that is about a 20-30 minute walk, or more, from our living areas. We decided to drive. As we are filling out paperwork, the admin comes in and tells Bonnie that her car is being towed. Apparently we parked in a parking lot for a different building, but that happened to be right across from HR. Good times. So, Bonnie runs outside to try and catch them before they get her car on the truck. Unfortunately, they already had it loaded. Bonnie would have had to give the woman loading her car $80 cash to take it down. Thinking that was a sketchy situation, Bonnie opted to let her take it. Plus, who carries about $80 cash?? So, in order to get to our next destination, ID Cards, we had to walk. Mind you, it's our first day, we are all dressed in slacks and nice shirts, our hair is down, we look nice. Well, a 3o minute walk in the humidity will make you look less nice.

We got our ID Cards and had to walk about another 1o minutes back to O-House, where the Res Life Offices are. I realize that a 20 minute walk and a 10 minute walk seem like nothing, and i would agree. However, when is it like 85 degree outside with 90% humidity, it's a bloody long walk!

I just realized that I never introduced you to my fellow interns! Here is a picture of them:

On the left we have Kara, in the middle is Bonnie, and to the right is Kelli.

Kara and Kelli and overseeing the Summer Seminars program. These are week-long programs for high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

Bonnie and I are overseeing the Rising Star summer program. This is a 5-week program in which incoming high school seniors take college-level courses.

After lunch, we went to admissions for a mini-presentation about the programs we are coordinating. The admissions building was so amazing! I took some pictures :)

The mascot of SCAD is a bee:

That pretty much concluded our first day!

In case you were wondering, Bonnie got her car back later that day.

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