
Training Week!

Sorry for the late post!

Two weeks ago, we had training with the student staff, which was awesome. Bonnie and I made door decorations for them. They were bees, so cute! I don't have pics right now, but I will take some soon. We did a lot of ice breakers. A lot. I'm not really into ice breakers, but what we did wasn't so bad. Now I have some great ideas for ice breakers!

Our Rising Star Assistants (RSAs) are so amazing! They came up with a great theme for the Rising Star students...SCADventure! Each week represents a different type of adventure theme! Our first week was Survival Week. We did a SCADvenger Hunt, had a craft night, Jeff showed us how to make laundry detergent, they played Zombie Tag (a smaller version of Humans vs. Zombies), and Murder in the Dark. It was a great week!

Here are a few shots I got from Murder in the Dark. It was dark, which means my photos are black and white and grainy. I call it artistic.

We also had our first beach day, which was awesome! I love the beach here! The water is so warm! Here are a few shots I got:

Other events for the week:

I was able to sit in on a few interviews the department was conducting, which was an amazing experience. Some advice when you are doing a phone interview: know the student population and have examples of experiences, not generalizations.

I got to take a student to the clinic who was having a minor allergic reaction to something. She's fine now, but it was an experience I have never had before. Lots of learning happening!

The rain. Holy cow. It poured tonight. If you saw my facebook, you have some idea of what happened. Basically, we went to dinner and it started to rain. We tried to wait it out, but it just got worse. There was LOUD thunder, crazy lightning, and a rediculous amount of rain. All Bonnie and I could do was run for it. Well, I don't run. I also don't walk barefoot outside, which would have made my whole experience much better. We had to make our way up 55 stairs (Bonnie counted) and across a bridge to get back to the residence hall. Oh yea, practically everything was flooded. As I was making my way up the stairs, slowly (as it is I am a slow stair walker, but add gallons of water to that and it's bad news), water started to get in my eyes. So now I can't see and I'm trying not to fall down the stairs. Good times. I made my way across the bridge and safely back to my room, which had a mini lake in front of my door that worked it's way to the inside of my room. Good times. I was drenched, but I have to admit, it was kind of fun. It wasn't cold, which made getting wet much more pleasant.

That's about all for the past few weeks! Danny comes this week (2 Year Anniversary!!!), so it might be another week and a half before I write again.

I hope everyone has a great fourth of July this weekend!!

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