
Greg & Carol's Wedding

This past weekend I was privileged enough to take part in one of my best friend's wedding. I was the maid of honor and loved every minute of it. The following are some of the images I captured when I had time to photograph.

Moving trees around.

Working Hard.

Cleaning up, notice the pants :)

Hanging Out.


Aren't they great partners?

Greg joined us at the nail salon.

The bride.

The bridal party, minus me :)

Awe, so pretty.

Chillin' the night before.

The bride and Mom.

The guys eating before the wedding.

Make-up, Carol was such a good sport and looked amazing!

Eating, minus me :( (I'm taking the picture, obviously)

Carol & the Fam

Yea, I'm in a photo!

The Bride & The Best Girl.

The Cake.

The Bride.






The First Dance.

The Girls, minus me.

The Guys, minus Danny.

The Couple.

Swing Dance!

The Best Man & The Best Girl.


Chillin' after the wedding.

Denny's, classic Owen.

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